Opera Voices

Opera singing is the most difficult kind of singing. Because if you want to be an opera singer you must have discipline and dedication. And the opera singer should learn languages, and be smart at memorizing, and have smart physical, emotional and mental management as well. An opera singer must know that singer voice must be able to fill a massive opera house, without microphones. It's looking like a very difficult task however when you became a professional opera singer singing gets to feel very easy. Because even though the early stages of every subject are very difficult. Everything changes gradually with the proficiency one gets in it.

All opera singers have different voice types from male and female. A singer's voice type not only depends on the vocal range but also the vocal quality and power of their voice.

Basically, the Female voice can be divided into three categories.

  • Soprano
  • Mezzo-Soprano
  • Contralto
For men we have,
  • Tenor
  • Baritone
  • Bass

Simply, this is the basic classification of the voice types. So I hope to explain more about voice classification one by one deeply from future articles.

Stay tuned with #Operatunes


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