What is an Aria


ARIA is coming from different shapes, sizes and voice categories, but the most general idea of an aria is singing in an opera with accompaniment. In the medieval period in Europe music was different from present music. Because there were use multiple line scores for their music. Usually, that was used for church music. But in the 1600 baroque period, there was a musician Giulio Caccini who helped to change multiple lines into one melodic line in vocal works with instrumental accompaniment. It helped a lot to get into the current aria structure. 

The arias quickly started becoming the most popular and beloved sections of operas. This is most likely due to arias giving a character a chance to share his/her inner emotions with the audience.  Any emotion and thoughts expressed through arias such as depressing arias about suicide and deaths, happy arias about love and adventure. 

Some arias not composed for an opera namely A paper Phaedo by Beethoven which is written for solo soprano and orchestra. This area shows a dramatic scene of a woman who is angry with his lover. 

Usually, areas performed with orchestral accompaniments. But sometimes aria performed with piano accompaniment also. 

Today we are discussing the aria. See you soon for another valuable article like this.
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